Responsible in accordance with the data protection laws:
Martin Lechner
Klosterstrasse 6d
82284 Grafrath, Germany
General information
As the operator of it is important to me that you know exactly which personal data is collected on this website, how it is processed, and how you can influence it. In particular, I would like to stress that I have no interest in your data. These will only be collected and stored for technical reasons. In doing so, I adhere to the principle of data minimization.
Hosting and access log is currently delivered by netlify. The terms of netlify's stance on gdpr apply. I have no access to any data (e.g. access logs) the hoster might collect.SSL encryption
When using https, the data transfer between the web server and your browser is encrypted using SSL.Cookies
By default, no cookies are set on this website. External service providers that are linked to this website via iframes, for example (see also “Embeds or widgets”), usually set their own cookies in order to function better. If you do not wish to have cookies set here, I recommend that you deactivate the cookie function in your browser.Embeds or widgets
Blog posts can contain content from other web servers, as I like to use specialized providers especially for media content like videos. The external content is usually integrated into so-called iframes, thus opening a connection to the servers of other companies that provide exactly this service. Currently, offers embedded content from:You may find an older blog post that includes a widget from another company. If this is the case, I would be happy to hear from you and add it to the list. If you want to completely prevent your access data from being collected via iframes on the servers of other companies, I recommend a tracking blocker like uBlock Origin, which can be configured accordingly.